Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday Journaling Prompt

Journaling is one of the toughest things to do in scrapbooking. Some of us are paralyzed by the thought of sitting down to write our thoughts. It's reminiscent of signing a yearbook, isn't it? You want to be the one that signs the "cool" note, but end up signing "It's been a fun year!". Journaling is one of those things that just takes practice. It doesn't have to be cool or fancy, it just has to be real. It should be fun and enlightening, as well. Getting into the habit is as simple as doing it every day until it's part of our nature. Write a sentence or two about your day each night before you go to sleep. Keep a journal and pen in your night stand. Over time, this will become second nature and you'll find your journaling will increase from a few sentences to several paragraphs and that you are enjoying the process instead of dreading it. Ultimately, your scrapbook journaling will seem easier and more essential, as well.

There are two cool new products out there to help us journal and that make it almost impossible to not want to try it.

The first is the new Memory Dock line. There is an entire Journal Dock system developed to house all our journaling in one spot. It keeps it all organized and at the ready for scrapbooking. And, they have a great creative planner that comes with journaling insert pages. Whenever the whim hits, use those pages to journal, then file them away in the journal dock. Very cool system, indeed!

The second is Karen Russell's uber cool Journaler's Notebook from Creative Imaginations. The Notebook includes 20 acid-free pages that are perforated. Perfect for jotting down a thought, tearing it off and placing it right on a scrapbook page. What a great journaling idea! Plus, they are super cute!

I challenge you to journal every night in August. Find any old thing to write in, put it by your bed, and write one sentence every night before you go to sleep about your day. You'll be amazed at how much you start to enjoy this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.