"You want sneaks?"
"I want the sneaks."
"You can handle the sneaks!"
Haha! Just a little play off of A Few Good Men! ;) So, how about some upcoming sneak peaks? Stephanie and Melissa have just returned from CHA Summer and they worked really hard to bring you the most amazing products in your future kits. Things are really coming together at Homegrown with our three wonderful kits, Hybrid, Trilogy and Survival. I'm going to post August here. To see the rest of the sneaks, Sept-Nov, please log into the forums and visit the Sneak Peak forum:
August. I can't think of anything more exciting than getting my hands on the new Scenic Route Summer and the Daisy D's tape runner rubons. Let me tell you that I have seen both the Hybrid and the Triology and they are delicious this month! You are going to LOVE them!